Cal.Lep.Ph. Britz. Mus. Suppl. 2: *2020d. Hyponerita persimilis. Hyponerita persimilis, Roths. Nov. Zool. xvi. p. 299 (1909),& 4. ff. 1, 37. Male . Head and thorax crimson ; yellow bands on frons and between antenna1 which are crimson at base, brown at middle and white at tips; tegulse yellow, crimson at base ; patagia yellow at base, the tips and metathorax with brown patches; pectus and legs -yellow tinged with crimson ; abdomen crimson, the ventral surface yellow. Fore wing brown with yellow markings strongly defined by scarlet; a subbasal irregular patch from costa to submedian fold and streak on hase of inner margin ; an irregular antemedial band, expanding at costa, constricted at median nervure, then with waved inner edge ; scarlet spots below costa and just beyond end of cell, below base of vein li and on vein I ; a triangular postmedial patch from costa, a patch between veins •"> and 1? conjoined to the terminal band and spots above and below vein 1 ; a terminal yellow band, its inner edge incurved below vein 7 and at vein L> and with series of scarlet spots on the termen. Hind wing yellow faintly tinged with crimson at termen. female . Fore wing with the antemedial band not constricted at median nervure; hind wing crimson above, pale crimson below. Ab. 1. o . Hind wing wholly suffused with crimson.—Br. Guiana. II, ih. I!it.
  • , ?32 millim.